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Building a High-Performance, Multilingual Blog with Next.js, Tailwind, and Docker
Building the Blog with Tailwind Next.js Starter Blog
This blog was built using the template Tailwind Next.js Starter Blog by Timlrx, an excellent starting point for creating a modern and high-performing website.
It is powered by the following technologies:
- Next.js for a smooth user experience.
- Tailwind CSS for fast and customizable design.
- Vercel for simple and efficient deployment.
- Image storage and distribution via Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront.
Key Features
- Next.js with TypeScript: for robust development.
- Contentlayer: easy content management.
- MDX: mix Markdown and JSX in your posts.
- Tailwind CSS 3.0: fast customization with a primary color attribute.
- Mobile-friendly design.
- Light and dark themes.
- Font optimization with next/font.
Optimal Performance
- Nearly perfect Lighthouse score.
- Lightweight: only 85 kB for the initial JS load.
Integration with Pliny
This blog leverages advanced features provided by Pliny, including:
- Analytics: choose between Umami, Plausible, Simple Analytics, Posthog, or Google Analytics.
- Comments: via Giscus, Utterances, or Disqus.
- Newsletters: supports Mailchimp, Convertkit, and more.
- Advanced Search: with Kbar or Algolia.
- Syntax Highlighting: with rehype-prism-plus for line numbering and highlighting.
- Mathematics: supported via KaTeX.
- Citations and Bibliographies: with rehype-citation.
- Image Optimization: thanks to next/image.
Additional Features
- Tag pages: each unique tag has its own page.
- Multi-author support.
- Various layouts for blogs and article lists.
- Nested routes for blog posts.
- Projects page.
- Preconfigured security headers.
- SEO optimized: RSS feeds, sitemaps, and more.
Internationalization (i18n)
The blog is multilingual thanks to the integration of i18next, with the help of PxlSyl.
Docker: Deploy the Blog Easily
For those who want to use Docker, here is a sample configuration. Full files can be found in my GitHub repository.
Sample Dockerfile
FROM jitesoft/node-yarn:19
ADD package.json /package.json
ENV NODE_PATH=/node_modules
ENV PATH=$PATH:/node_modules/.bin
RUN yarn policies set-version $YARN_VERSION
ADD . /app
RUN yarn
CMD ["yarn","dev"]
We use a specialized yarn image, which offers better performance compared to a standard Node image.
Sample docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
stdin_open: true
restart: unless-stopped
- '.:/app'
- './node_modules:/app/node_modules:cached'
- NODE_ENV=development
- "3000:3000"
Installation Instructions
- Initialize Yarn Dependencies:
Create a temporary container to access its console:
docker-compose run --rm blog sh
Once inside the container, run:
yarn install
- Start the Stack:
After installing the dependencies, exit the container and run:
docker-compose up -d
This blog, powerful and customizable, is an ideal solution for developers looking for a flexible and high-performance environment. Feel free to share your feedback or suggestions!